Mumbai: Grasping Haryanvi diction for the daily soap "Kumkum Bhagya" has not been an easy task for Sriti Jha. The actress, who plays Pragya in the show, has currently entered the house in disguise, as domestic help Gayatri.
"Pragya has taken up this new avatar of domestic help Gayatri, and I have to say it has been challenging. Her diction, the Haryanvi language and all the nuances, have been difficult to grasp, but I am trying very hard to get it right. The creative team, the production team as well as my co-stars in 'Kumkum Bhagya' have been supportive, and have been giving me tips to portray it with the utmost conviction. I hope everyone enjoys watching me as Gayatri as much as they like me as Pragya," Sriti said.
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