Mumbai: Actor Celina Jaitly made her comeback with Ram Kamal Mukherjee's digital short film Season's Greetings: A Tribute To Rituparno Ghosh. She says that though she missed out on a chance to work with the iconic Bengali filmmaker, she feels special having got a chance to work in the short film.
Asked if she followed the work of Rituporno, Celina told IANS: "Once, Rituda has called me and wanted to cast me in a project. He did not know I was pregnant with my first set of twins at that time, and it didn't work out. I spoke to him last when his father passed away. It was an intimate conversation. Little did I know he will be leaving for his heavenly abode soon. His last words to me were that I must have the babies safely and that he would like me to stay at the Tolly club whenever we went ahead with a project after the delivery."
She added: "Rituda calling me for a project was beyond my dreams. I had admired him so much that I couldn't believe my ears. Unfortunately, things were not meant to be, until Ram (Kamal Mukherjee) came along with this project. I had goosebumps it's as if things were working from the beyond. I hope Rituda will be happy and satisfied with our subtle tribute. I always pray that he has finally found the acceptance and place of no judgement."
According to the actor, she was a fan of the late National award-winning filmmaker, and his 1997 release Dahan is one of her favourite films of Rituparno Ghosh.
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