Mumbai: Sushmita Sen's brother Rajeev Sen has been hitting the headlines ever since rumours of his marriage trouble with wife and actor Charu Asopa broke out. Recently, there was a viral report saying that he will be a part of Salman Khan's controversial reality show Bigg Boss 14. But, the actor has rubbished the reports.
He took to Instagram stories to put the rumours to rest for once and all. He wrote, "Not in Bigg Boss 14 Loud & Clear Shukriya."
However, this is not the first celebrity to have denied being a part of Bigg Boss 14. Earlier yesterday, Jashnn actor Adhyayan Suman also denied being a part of the show. He took to social media to write, "False news of me being a part of Bigg Boss! Thanks but no thanks! Disrespectful to say the least! #BiggBoss @ColorsTV please clarify this. Regards."