Mumbai:In the latest Weekend Ka Vaar episode, host Salman Khan has asked singer Rahul Vaidya to leave the Bigg Boss 14 house. The latest promo of the show suggests that Rahul's lack of enthusiasm during the last ticket to the finale task has irked show's makers and host.
In the crucial task, Rahul easily gave up his chance to grab it from his fellow housemates and did not even put up a fitting fight. Salman is angry at Rahul for not giving his 100 per cent during the task. The Bollywood superstar asked Rahul to leave the house due to "a lack of enthusiasm and interest" towards the show.
As soon as the promo landed on digital platforms, it left singer's fans shocked and disappointed with the latest development. From calling the show creators biased to come up with various theories of what went against him and he might come back the way Sreesanth did in season 12, his fans have flooded the microblogging site with "No Rahul No BB14" tag line.
"Is Salman sir serious? He doesn't have interest with the show? Rahul? Oh common! Rahul will return, else your show gonna go vein," a user wrote.