New Delhi: Hyderabadi rapper Ruhaan Arshad, who shot to fame after the release of his rap song Miya Bhai in 2018, recently announced that he quit the music industry, saying it is "haraam" (prohibited) in Islam. On his YouTube channel Ruhaan Arshad official, the rapper uploaded a video for his 2.34 million subscribers, in which he announced that he is quitting music after realising it is "haraam" in his religion.
"I am confident about my decision and never had a second thought before announcing this news with you all. I am completely quitting this music industry and will never make any music video from now onwards. I knew that music is a sin in Islam, I just had a passion which led me to pursue it," Arshad said in the seven-minute-long video.
He further stated that he is only quitting the music industry and not YouTube. Thanking his fans for supporting him throughout his music journey, Arshad asked them to help him decide on other content for his YouTube channel that is not sinful. Arshad also urged his followers who had entered into the music industry after being inspired by him, to quit rapping.
The rapper became an overnight star after he released his rap song Miya Bhai on YouTube, in 2018. So far, the video song has accumulated more than 500 million views on the platform.
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