Mumbai: Actor Konkona Sen Sharma is gearing up to make her digital directorial debut with a series based on the life of Arati Das, better known as 'Miss Shefali'.
The flick shows the life of a young Bengali girl who ruled as the 'Queen of Cabaret' in Kolkata. The Zee Studios' series will also portray the politics of West Bengal in the 60s and 70s through her life journey.
"The whole era of post-Partition and pre-liberalisation fascinated me. Since I am from Kolkata, I have been aware of the subject and her unique story," Konkona said.
"It's about the fascinating life of this female protagonist who decided to live life on her own terms. It's extremely interesting, and right up my ally. That is why I decided to make this series," Konkona added.
The director said casting is underway. She said, "We are still developing the script and we plan to go on floors early next year. It is going to be an interesting journey."