Mumbai: Amid of the allegation of rape and extortion against the television actor Karan Oberoi, one of his best friends Pooja Bedi along with the band members of his music band 'Band Of Boys' urges on Tuesday that the law that is exciting to protect the voice of rape victim, should be used in a responsible manner by the women.
In response to the question of IANS on inequality exist in the law at the press meet, Pooja said: "Taking the history of our country in consideration and the patriarchal society that we are living in, there is a situation where a rape victim goes to the police station and her complaint does not get registered, which is wrong. So we need laws against rape and such violence; but at the same time, if a severe number of women are misusing the law if they are not respecting the law that are meant to protect them rather taking advantage of it, we need to think about how to protect the right of a man as well!"
She added: "It is unfortunate to see such a kind man being subjected to something like this, the reputation damage, the family trauma is unacceptable to me. There are a number of cases where women are not using the law, they are misusing the law."
A complaint was lodged with the Oshiwara Police late on Sunday and charges under the Indian Penal Code Sections 376 (rape) and 384 (extortion) were slapped against him.
He was produced before a magistrate's court which has remanded him to police custody till May 9, his lawyer said.
As per the First Information Report lodged by the victim, the accused raped her on the promise of marriage, filmed the act and tried to extort money from her under the threat of making the video public.
Karan's lawyer Dinesh Tiwari, who was also present there, told IANS: "Though it will be little tougher for first few days but considering the fact that we have all the evidence to prove that my client is innocent, we should get him bailed".