Mumbai:Actor Karan Kundrra is extremely disappointed with the way how paparazzi follow his girlfriend and 'Bigg Boss 15' winner Tejasswi Prakash everywhere. For the unversed, a day ago, Tejasswi got mobbed by paps on her way home from 'Naagin 6' sets. Several videos have been doing the rounds in which Tejasswi can be seen running away from cameras and her mother helping her swiftly get into the house.
The mobbing incident has made Karan furious. On Tuesday night, Karan landed back in Mumbai from Jaipur. At the Mumbai airport, he was greeted by the media. While speaking to the media, he requested them not to hinder Tejasswi's private life.
"Wo safe nahi hai pata hai. Aise ghar ke andar ghus rahein hai, accha nahi lagta hai na. Band karwa diya main, gaadi ke bhi sheeshe kaale karwa diye. Ye sab pasand nahi hai yaar, ladki hai wo. (it's not a joke to get into her house and car. Due to this, I have blackened her car's glass. I can't tolerate this...she is my girlfriend," he said. And during his conversation with the media, he got a call from Tejasswi and took the opportunity to make the shutterbugs apologise to her.