Mumbai: Hollywood star John Cena on Saturday paid a tribute to the actor Sidharth Shukla, whose sudden death has stunned the Indian showbiz industry and his fans. Shukla, 40, who became a household name with his role in the long-running TV show Balika Vadhu and emerged as the winner of Bigg Boss 13, was declared dead on arrival on Thursday morning when he was taken to a hospital in suburban Juhu.
Several Bollywood and TV celebrities expressed shock and were in a state of disbelief over the untimely demise of Shukla. Taking to Instagram, Cena simply shared a black-and-white picture of Shukla without any caption. Cena is known for posting photos on Instagram without captions. Cena's kind gesture has won him oodles of love from Sidharth's fans who have flooded his comment section with appreciation.