Mumbai: Veteran actor Jeetendra will make his digital debut in the second season of daughter Ekta Kapoor's production, Baarish. The 78-year-old Bollywood veteran hopes the audience likes his "short stint in this show".
Jeetendra will play the role of Jeetuji Gandhi, a veteran in the diamond business who has an eye for not just diamonds but also people.
He does every bit to play cupid between Anuj (Sharman Joshi) and Gauravi (Asha Negi) and tries everything to help them solve their misunderstandings.
"It's great to be back on screen for a show like Baarish, which finally convinced me to make my digital debut in its upcoming season. The cast and crew have been extremely warm on set and it's lovely to see their affection towards me," said Jeetendra.