Mumbai: Actor Eisha Chopra, who played the female protagonist in the horror-comedy web series Official Bhootiyagiri, said that she is scared of ghosts but acting in a horror show was fun.
Asked if she has ever had a spooky experience in life, Eisha told IANS: "I have always been scared of ghosts. I am one of those who cannot watch a horror film. That is why it was so interesting for me to do a horror series, given the fact that in real life I am super scared of ghosts."
She added: "My mama (maternal uncle) used to tell me horror stories at the night when I was a child. He would tell me that ghosts come at night and enter our bodies through our heart, especially when we sleep in the night. As a child, I was so scared that for many years I never slept on my back!"
Official Bhootiyagiri features Sumeet Vyas, Vishwajoy Mukherjee, Pranay Manchanda among others.
The story of the show revolves around a haunted resort where guests check in to get a thrilling spooky experience.