Mumbai: Tennis champion Leander Paes on Friday said the upcoming non-fiction series Break Point will give fans an insight into his fractured but successful professional pairing with sports star Mahesh Bhupathi. Helmed by filmmaker couple Nitesh Tiwari and Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari, the ZEE5 series traces the on and off-court partnership between the two Indian tennis icons, who were the first doubles team from the country to win at the Wimbledon in 1999.
Once the poster boys for the sport in the country, being nicknamed the Indian Express, they played together from 1994 to 2006 and reunited for their second stint from 2008 to 2011. The duo had a public fall out but have now reunited to share their story with Break Point.
During a virtual trailer launch of the seven-part series, Paes said the project helped them put their career in perspective and how things would have been different if the two simply communicated.
"With Mahesh, it was always difficult to get a word out of him because he is not the most vociferous communicator. But if I could see that archival footage then, in 1999, or in 2000 when the break was happening, maybe things could have been different. Maybe if our communication could have been better then, and I will take responsibility for my communication too, if we had a Break Point straight after winning the Wimbledon and the French Open in 1999, we could have played for a few more years," Paes told reporters.
He said when they delved into the scrapbooks over the last 25 years, including archivals from the Wimbledon, the Olympics, the Asian games and the French open, there were a lot of things the duo had not addressed.
"Through the highs and lows of Mahesh and my career both on and off the court, there were a lot of things that we had not addressed. There are conversations that we are now a little wiser for so hence we can address them and find closure to them. There are a few conversations we are more mature about so we can laugh at ourselves," he added.