Mumbai: Singer Neha Bhasin has been named as the first confirmed contestant of the new season of the controversial reality show Bigg Boss OTT. The news of Neha entering the show has been confirmed by the streaming portal Voot. Names of the other celebrities who will be seen in the show are still under wraps. Neha is known for lending her voice for popular Bollywood numbers such as Swag se swagat, Asalaam-e-ishqum, Heeriye and Jag ghoomeya, among many others.
Bigg Boss OTT marks the 15th season of the reality show Bigg Boss. Filmmaker Karan Johar has been roped in to host the digital version, which premieres on August 8 on Voot. Karan will anchor the drama for the six-week run of Bigg Boss OTT.