Hyderabad (Telangana): Actor-model Raqesh Bapat had to leave the Bigg Boss 1 5 house on medical grounds. The fans of the actor were hopeful of his comeback in the show as they were apparently looking forward to more 'ShaRa' (celebrity nickname for Raqesh, Shmita Shetty) moments in the house. With an official statement on his exit from Bigg Boss 15, Raqesh, however, made it clear that he is not returning to the show.
Ex-Bigg Boss OTT contestant Raqesh, who was a wild card entry on Bigg Boss 15, was forced by health issues to leave the house last week. While reports of his ladylove Shamita Shetty's exit from the show are also making the headlines, Raqesh has issued a statement and cleared the air on his exit from the show.
On Monday, Raqesh took to his Instagram handle and shared a statement that reads, "To My Family, I call all of you family because this connection you and I have is truly by the heart! I feel blessed to have all of you in my life, sending me prayers, blessings, good wishes and s0 much positivity. Sometimes life throws curve balls at you at important junctures and such has been my case. Your love pulled me back into the Bigg Boss house and yet the stay was short-lived because of health issues that cropped up. A health issue from 5 years ago has cropped up, unforeseen and painful."
He also shared his health update with fans and said that he is much better and is on the to recovery. The actor further said that he formed a "special connection" through this journey which his fans have "with love named ShaRa."