Mumbai: Not long ago, Eijaz Khan shocked everyone when he revealed a dark secret from his childhood in the Bigg Boss 14. He shared that he had been touched inappropriately. The actor, who is temporarily out of the house to shoot a web series, claims his housemates used the revelation as a trigger against him, but that has only made him stronger.
For those who came in late, Eijaz's confession came in in November during an immunity task when housemates had to reveal a very personal thing no one knew about them. He broke down while sharing the fact that he was touched inappropriately as a child, and said that he had struggled for years to deal with the trauma. Eijaz added that his therapist helped him get over it. He had also shared that he did not tell his father about it and that was something he regretted.
Does he feel innate details of celebrity lives should be put out for public consumption this way? "I believe in collective benefit. If whatever you do or the choices you make are for a collective benefit of society it can never be wrong. It cannot be for personal aspiration. If it is for personal benefit only, then I don't think the universe really conspires for it. You need to have the 'dua' (prayers) of a lot of people to succeed in life," Eijaz said.