Mumbai: The episode started kicked off the proceeding by announcing that the show has become the most successful season in the history of the reality show and will extend for five weeks and will continue till February.
After the announcement, Rasham Desai and Vishal Aditya Singh were spotted stealing the luxury budget item – pasta and delights on the same. Bigg Boss called them to the confession room and chided them for stealing pasta. They were asked to inform the housemates of their actions and also that the luxury budget items will be returned to the storeroom. Bigg Boss asks luxury budget items to be stored back in the storage room. Bigg Boss also warns that no item should remain, or contestants will have to suffer in the ration.
During the discussion, Vishal and Sidharth Shukla locked horns overuse of abusive words. It ended with Sidharth asking Vishal to wash all the utensils. When he denied, Sidharth told him that he is the captain and therefore he will assign duties.
Paras Chabra said that the house suffers due to a few people’s mistakes. Vishal justifies himself saying he didn’t sugarcoat anything.