Mumbai: The latest episode on Tuesday brought a big twist in the limelight as Paras Chhabra and Shefali Bagga locked horns during a task. Bigg Boss introduced nominations task titled BB Rose Day, for the week and sent a red rose that gave the boys a chance to allow a girl to nominate a boy. Each time the buzzer rang, one of the boys had to reach inside the box, pick a rose and present it to a girl. The girl then got the power to nominate one boy. Rashami became the 'sanchalak’ for first time.
Paras gave the rose to Mahira who nominated Siddharth Shukla and Siddharth Shukla gave the rose to Arti who nominated Paras.
Once anticipating the buzzer, Shefali pulled Asim back and he got angry. They began fighting and Rashami was called. Rashami told Shefali that she must not touch but Shefali kept insisting it was her game and no one can tell her how to play. Asim then gave the rose to Arti and she nominated Siddharth Dey.
Paras, Siddharth Dey, Rashami Desai, Siddharth Shukla, Shefali Bagga, Devoleena Chatterjee, Shehnaaz Gill and Mahira Sharma were declared as nominated candidates for the week.
Bigg Boss then announced the Vivo task which brought Shefali in her journalist avatar. She was supposed to pick and interview three people, revealing their real side to the audience.