Mumbai (Maharashtra): Actor, VJ and singer Anusha Dandekar is making headlines after her new post that she shared on social media about her participation in Bigg Boss 15. There was a rumour going around on her entry on the show and being the ex-girlfriend of Karan Kundrra, people were expecting more twists in the show. But Anusha has recently nullified all such stories and requested everyone to stop making such assumptions.
At the end of her long post, she clarifies on not being part of the show. She wrote: "So again this is my life, my happy place. And for the love of God please stop this nonsense about me going on Bigg Boss to fill some page in an article, to stir up some more drama, which I'm not even a part of. I told you my truth, every quote or picture I post now is not about my past, it's about MY growth! This is about ME! Stop undermining my achievements as a self-made woman. I am the Boss of my own life, I don't need to be in any house to prove it. So sleep easy the people that are so unhealthily obsessed with it. Thank you to all of you, who just let me live and spread happiness."