Mumbai: Actor Ali Fazal will be seen romancing Qubool Hai fame Surbhi Jyoti in a new song titled Aaj bhi, which is sung by Vishal Mishra.
On Wednesday, Ali took to Instagram and shared a still from the music video. "Something special coming soon #AajBhi," he wrote.
In the image, the two are seen gazing into each other's eyes. Sharing the same picture on her social media account, Surbhi wrote: "Not just another story...coming soon."
According to Vishal, Aaj Bhi is a very emotional song.
"This is the most personal and special song I have ever made. I have composed, sung and written it. The song comes from personal experiences. This is just not the song… It is a page out of my life. I hope a lot of people will connect to it," Vishal said.