Mumbai: Actor Sushmita Sen on Tuesday took to social media and introduced co-actor Manish Chaudhari's character - Shekhawat, to be seen in her upcoming debut web series Aarya.
The former Miss Universe showered praises on Chaudhari for the actor he is, and the "discipline, focus and the controlled intensity" he possesses.
Sharing a still with him on Instagram, Sen introduced his character in the series, Shekhawat to be a "suave, ruthless" one.
"Yet in real life is the gentlest absolute Gentleman!! I will forever cherish the grace he showed me in the most difficult of Scenes!! I can't wait to work with him much to learn!!! Here's wishing you every happiness & success, you so richly deserve Manish!! Sen added to her captions.
On Monday, the Main Hoon Na actor dubbed her other co-star, actor Namit Das as an "institution himself," while introducing his character in the forthcoming series. Das will essay the role of Jawahar.