Los Angeles: Vin Diesel, the Fast and Furious franchise star plays tech-enhanced super-soldier Ray Garrison in the movie based on the Valiant Comics series.
Vin feels that the core of Bloodshot is a story about a soldier.
"At the core of 'Bloodshot' is a story about a soldier -- a soldier that thinks like every other soldier: 'Will I be regarded for the sacrifices I've made when I come home? Will I be discarded?' Those are real themes that soldiers live with. This goes further to say, will there be anyone to love me when I come home?" Diesel said in an interview. "Post-traumatic stress disorder -- there's a reason why the military's adopted this superhero -- because it touches on themes that might not be the most popular to talk about in society, but are real -- and that's a soldier's plight."
WATCH |Vin Diesel at F9 party: Walker's spirit drives him, lives in franchise