New Delhi: Star couple Priyanka Chopra Jonas and Nick Jonas stunned at the ongoing Paris Fashion Week on Monday. The Dior show saw many Hollywood bigwigs like 'Wonder Woman' star Gal Gadot, Shailene Woodley and Elisabeth Moss among others.
However, if reports are to be believed, Nick and Priyanka arrived at the fashion gala almost an hour late leaving the high-profile guests a little annoyed.
Nevertheless, the couple set the temperature soaring with their stunning outfits. PeeCee looked appealing in an emerald green dress with pleats around the waist paired with a belt.
Complimenting his better-half, Nick looked dapper in an all black pant-suit with teamed with a grey shirt at the Dior fashion show.
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Priyanka posted a photo of the two posing with Maria Grazia, creative director of Dior and wrote, "Thank you Maria Grazia for an incredible evening. Congratulations."
Despite the two gorgeous ladies in the photo, Nick Jonas stole the show with his interesting "cool guy" pose. He also taught the "two-step" method of striking that pose perfectly.