Los Angeles: Just a few hours before Oscars 2020, actor Priyanka Chopra shared that she couldn't make it to the gala this year. But she took her fans back in time and posted photos of her past looks from the prestigious awards ceremony.
"Couldn't make it to the #Oscars this year but I'll be watching with you! Lemme know who you're rooting for! #PCOscarParty," she tweeted on Sunday night.
She had attended the ceremony in 2016 and 2017. Going back in time, she tweeted: "A little #throwback to my Oscars looks. Which one was your favorite? #Oscars #RedCarpet."
While her fans are missing seeing the diva on the red carpet of the Hollywood gala this year, a lot of them picked the 2016 look as their favourite. Some went on to call it "iconic".