Los Angeles: Nicole Kidman, Charlize Theron and Margot Robbie reunited in West Hollywood, California over the weekend for a screening of their Fox News drama Bombshell. The screening was held at the Pacific Design Center on October 13.
Kidman plays Gretchen Carlson, a touching portrayal that shows the personal and professional cost, of going into battle with a very powerful man and network. Robbie is excellent as Kayla, a fictional character meant to represent an amalgamation of various women who wanted their voices to be heard.
Earlier, Theron spoke about her role as Megyn Kelly in the upcoming film. Following the release of the film's trailer, many people marvelled at how much Theron looked like Kelly.
Theron said that Kelly "is fully aware" of the film.
"It's interesting when you make a movie like this. You want to be respectful to your sources and we did a lot of research. I think as a team we all kind of decided to not get in the ins and outs of what all of those conversations were, but she's fully aware of the film."