New York:Actors Margot Robbie, John Cena, Sylvester Stallone and their Suicide Squad castmates premiered the antihero/superhero film in Los Angeles on Monday and said that fans should "buckle up." Cena, wearing his character Peacemaker's costume, said "the movie moves like an SOB the first 10 minutes and it doesn't stop." He talked about how a lot of the characters in the film don't make it until the end, let alone the second act. "Like, you figure they're going to give you a chance to catch your breath but you don't. And I think James is really good about crafting that," Cena said.
"We have 25 identifiable superheroes. That's why I'm here in costume. I'm just trying to get everybody familiar with me. But that's what makes it wonderful. James makes you care about every single one. So if someone doesn't make it, you feel an emotional connection."
While Cena is debuting Peacemaker, co-star Robbie is playing Harley Quinn again, only this time her character is single. Before this movie, every time Robbie has played Quinn, Quinn has been in a relationship. "Harley not under the grips of Mr. J is a very different Harley indeed. She's weirdly a bit more settled and focused in this movie than I think we've seen her. But she's also, she's looking for love," she said. "She's just kind of hilarious when she's trying to date."
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