Mumbai: Actor Daniel Dae Kim on Thursday announced he has been tested positive for the novel coronavirus.
The actor shared a video on Instagram to make the announcement in the regard where he also shared his experience of battling with COVID-19.
"I wanted to let you know that yesterday I tested positive for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus," said the actor.
The actor is now in his native town Hawaii but was earlier in New York for a few weeks for the shooting of a series.
"Hi everyone- yesterday I was diagnosed with COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. Looks like I'll be ok, but I wanted to share my journey with you in the hopes that you find it informative or helpful. Hope you all stay safe, calm, and above all, healthy," he wrote in the caption.
Sharing his experience, the Insurgent actor further said in the video that he was asymptomatic all the time but he did experience scratchiness in this throat.