Hyderabad (Telangana): After Salman Khan snake bite incident, a video of American pop singer Maeta being bitten by a snake during shoot went viral on social media. In a week-old video, Maeta gets a snake bite on her chin as she shoots for a music video.
On December 20, Maeta had shared a video of a snake biting her on Twitter which has now gone viral in India. Maeta's video started doing rounds of the internet after the news of Salman Khan being bitten by a snake in his farmhouse sent waves of concern across the tinselville.
While Salman let the reptile go his way, Maeta has apparently sworn not to have the crawlies on set as she shared the video with a caption that reads, "Never again." Fortunately, the snakes were not poisonous hence the 21-year-old singer was safe.