Mumbai: Actor Kriti Sanon who has been crusading for justice for late actor Sushant Singh Rajput, has now shared a cryptic Instagram post alongside the screenshot of an audiobook application, in which she is listening to author Rhonda Byrne's 2006 self-help book The Secret.
Sharing the picture, she said that the kind of energy one emits is the same kind of energy they will receive in return. She added that someone who oozes negativity might find momentary calm, but they would 'never eventually be at peace'.
"THINK , BELIEVE , MANIFEST. I believe in energy. The thoughts you think & the words you speak determine what you receive.. If you let out negativity and frustration, it might calm you for that moment, but you'd never eventually be at peace.. In other words, you can’t throw s**t all around and wonder why your life stinks.." she captioned.