Mumbai (Maharashtra): The makers of the upcoming comedy film Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan? have unveiled the film's first look on Monday. In the film, Taapsee Pannu and Pratik Gandhi will be seen together for the first time. Taapsee will be playing the role of a feisty cop and Pratik will be seen as a newly-wedded man of a 'masala' influential family.
The film is written and being directed by Arshad Syed. Taking to his Instagram handle, Pratik shared the film's first look in which he can be seen dressed as a groom, while Taapsee stands next to him, dressed as a cop. In the photo, Taapsee is looking at a map while Pratik poses with a pair of binoculars in his hand. In the caption, he wrote, "Taapsee Pannu and I are all set to find my missing bride in Junglee Pictures and Roy Kapur Films' next comedy-drama."
The exciting first look of the actors is from their current shooting schedule in Jaipur.
On playing a cop for the first time, Taapsee shared, "Playing a policewoman and doing a comedy film has always been on my checklist and I am happy that it is finally ticked off. I had seen Pratik's work and I think he is a very talented actor and I am absolutely enjoying working with him. Arshad has written an amazing script with great comic quirks and also a lot of heart, which I am looking forward to."