Mumbai: Claiming foul-play in the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput, Karni Sena member Surjeet Singh Rathore on Saturday said he was willing to share all that he knew with the CBI team investigating the case if they approach him.
The Karni Sena member claimed he was present at the Cooper Hospital, where the post-mortem on the deceased's body was conducted. Actor Rhea Chakraborty was allegedly behaving guiltily and had said "sorry babu" upon seeing the mortal remains of the actor, which made him suspicious.
"I was at Cooper Hospital on June 15 after Karni Sena's state head asked me to go there. On requesting staff, Rhea Chakraborty was allowed to see Sushant Singh Rajput's mortal remains. As I removed the sheet, she kept her hand on his chest and said 'sorry babu'," Rathore told ANI here.
He further claimed that producer Sandip Singh was one of the key masterminds behind the death of the actor.
"I think Sandip Singh is the mastermind in this case. I had approached Mumbai Police for the same, I contacted DCP Abhishek Trimukhe he met me and asked me to give in writing everything I had said. I did the same, but to no avail... If the CBI team contacts me, I am ready to share everything I know. I am with Sushant's family and we want to ensure justice is delivered in this case," he said.
Earlier on yesterday, lawyer for the late actor's father, Vikas Singh, had said Rhea Chakraborty's visit to mortuary is "very suspicious" as she had "no relationship" with Sushant Singh Rajput on the day of his death and there is a possibility of tampering with evidence.
"Rhea going to mortuary is very suspicious as she had no relationship with Sushant Singh on day of his death. In what capacity she was allowed to see the body of Sushant. I believe she was taken from the backroom. Without showing grief, without sobbing, without breaking down, clearly exposes her mind that she was probably wanting to accept the blame of his death and she has no regret of it. She had no affection for Sushant," Singh told ANI.
He also raised fingers at Mumbai Police that how the state police gave her access to the mortuary.