Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Ayushmann Khurrana was flying from Delhi to Mumbai when he tried hiding from his security guy. The actor has even shared an image of the same and has also revealed what made him do so.
On Saturday, Ayushmann took to his Instagram Stories and shared a series of pictures from Delhi airport. The actor was in the national capital for last schedule of his upcoming film Anek. After wrapping the film, Ayushmann was heading to catch a Mumbai-bound flight and before he boarded the flight, the actor stole some moments of solitude.
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In one of the capture, Ayushmann is seen peeping while hiding behind a pillar and looking at a guy who is apparently his security staff. Revealing the story behind the picture, Khurrana wrote, "Trying to hide from my own security guy. No privacy. Tch."
Ayushmann Khurrana is hiding from his own security guy As Hollywood legend Morgan Freeman has rightly said, "You don't know how much you appreciate your privacy until you don't have it." Though Ayushmann's post is meant to be taken in a lighter vein, it still magnifies the fact about celebrities being deprived of the fundamental right of privacy.
Meanwhile, Ayushmann will now dive into the production of Doctor G which is his upcoming film costarring Rakul Preet Singh. Doctor G is a campus comedy produced by Junglee Pictures and helmed by debutant director Anubhuti Kashyap.