Mumbai:Actor Kangana Ranaut recently pitted Sushant Singh Rajput's childhood picture against that of Alia Bhatt's and took a jibe at the latter's photo, labelling the actor as "dumb."
Kangana's controversial tweet comes just a day after Alia made her "spread some love" post public.
The post shared by the Raazi actor on Instagram garnered millions of likes and comments from fans and her celebrity followers.
While Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone and Hrithik Roshan among others dropped lovely comments on Alia's picture, Kangana questioned why the same celebs did not react to Sushant's photo that was shared by his sister accompanied with an emotional note.
"Sushant’s sister posted this picture, none of the mafia clowns liked it or commented on Sushant’s cuteness, why? Is he not cute as a kid?" she wrote.
Calling the departed soul a "genius" and a "genuinely good actor," Kangana tweeted: "Let’s decide who’s cuter! Dumb 10th fail non-actor Alia or genius Physics Olympiad winner genuinely good actor Sushant? are we going to get likes from filmi A-listers? Let’s see."
Hitting out at the reactions coming in Alia's post, Team Kangana Ranaut in its tweet wrote: "Filmi media is circulating dumb Alia’s kid pictures & all A-listers are hailing her cuteness, is this a way of whitewashing her criminal father and her own insensitive approach to outsiders ?"
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Meanwhile, over 38 people have recorded their statements including Bollywood bigwigs like Aditya Chopra, Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Mahesh Bhatt among others.
While Kangana Ranaut has been summoned in connection to the case, Karan Johar's statement will be recorded this week.