Hyderabad: Bollywood actor Janhvi Kapoor has shared an interesting anecdote from Roohi shooting days. The actor has revealed that her sister Khushi Kapoor had visited her once on the sets and was left 'traumatised' watching her enacting a 'disgusting' scene as Afza, a witch who abducts brides during their honeymoon.
Janhvi's latest release Roohi which also stars Rajkummar Rao and Varun Sharma is the first major theatrical release after theatres reopened amid the global COVID pandemic. To promote the film, Janhvi risked COVID as she believes if they are asking people to come to the theatre to see Roohi, they can't do so while sitting at home.
Virtual interviews aside, Roohi press junkets also include some in person interviews. During one such promotional interview, Janhvi has shared an interesting story from days of shooting for Roohi.