Mumbai: Actor Kangana Ranaut revealed that the industry insiders judged her from an outer perspective and thought to themselves that she is a small town "gold digger."
She shared that material things never held any importance to her until people's perception about her changed the way of her life. The Manikarnika actor admitted that she now wants to be one of the richest people in India by the time she turns 50.
In a recent conversation with a news portal, Kangana said: "To be honest, I never thought I'd come this far. I never had these as my primary ambitions. I didn't have material ambitions. But it started off when I saw that women are hugely judged for not going after material ambitions. Men are running this race. The women feel vulnerable at that point. Being a woman, I don't think about money. But am I looked like that from an outer perspective? That I'm a gold digger from a small town?"