Mumbai: Megastar Amitabh Bachchan shared the poster of his upcoming film Jhund. Ranveer Singh shared the poster of Ammy Virk, who will be featuring the role of Balvinder Singh Sandhu in his upcoming film 83. Let's witness some of the interesting tweets of today.
"T 3415 - JHUND ... झुंड !! ... JHUND ... झुंड !!" Amitabh tweeted.
Ranveer tweeted, "*Cue track* It’s the SWINGIN’ SARDARJI !!! Presenting @AmmyVirk AMMY VIRK as BALVINDER SINGH SANDHU!!!👻 PS-this one is special to me as our Dil Da Raja Amrinder portrays the role of our beloved coach SANDHU SIR❤because of whom we have all become better cricketers🙏🏽"