New Delhi: Bollywood star Hrithik Roshan's upcoming release War has surpassed all the buzz for its jaw-dropping sequences pulled off by the actor with absolute ease. South Korean action-director SeaYoung Oh who has choreographed some of the most amazing action-scenes revealed that Hrithik went out of his way to give the perfect shot.
"Hrithik had put aside his own safety for the film to bring a jaw-dropping scene on the screen for the audiences. I want to give standing ovation for Hrithik's fearless and confident performance. The way he smiles after perfectly finishing the action performance is something I will greatly miss," said SeaYoung Oh.
The maverick action-director also praised Tiger for his action capability and inborn talent saying, "Making a sequence in a single-shot requires everyone's undivided attention and effort. Especially when this is an action sequence, the actor's inborn talent and action capability becomes a prerequisite."
"I believe Tiger will be the future of Bollywood's action films," he added.