Mumbai (Maharashtra): After working her fingers to the bone, actor Kangana Ranaut on Saturday wrapped the shooting of her upcoming film Tejas. The National award-winning actor hopped on to her Instagram handle to share a special video that starts with a close-up look of Kangana dressed up as an Indian Air force officer, writing the movie's title on a beach and then closes with an aerial view revealing the full name of the movie etched on the beach.
Sharing the video, Kangana wrote, "Another beautiful journey comes to an end... It's a wrap for Tejas. What a ride. Above all what an opportunity. This will make the entire Nation proud..."
She then thanked the director and producers of the movie for choosing her as the lead. "Thanks to everyone who worked on this project ... eternally grateful for getting to play a soldier a war hero in this lifetime. Jai Hind .... See you in the cinemas in 2022," Kangana concluded.
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