Mumbai: Actor Varun Dhawan keeps treating his fans with colourful posters from his upcoming films. Once again, he has come up with beautiful posters of his flick Street Dancer 3D.
Varun shared a poster on his Instagram stories in which he and Shraddha Kapoor can be seen gracefully flaunting a dance move. He appears in a red sleeveless t-shirt with green trousers, lifting Shraddha beautifully on his shoulders. Shraddha can be seen sporting a black tank top and orange trousers.
Badlapur actor also shared a shot from the sets of his upcoming film Coolie No. 1 and wrote, "Hey Coolie".
Earlier, he had shared a series of video and pictures from the sets of Street Dancer 3D on his Instagram handle. He told how even on the day which was declared a holiday in Mumbai, he was so excited about the shoot that he and the team managed to get to the sets.