Mumbai: Bollywood actor Shilpa Shetty Kundra and her businessman husband Raj Kundra have been spending a lot of their lockdown hours posting quirky videos on social media. Their latest is a handstand video but with a funny twist!
Shilpa took to Instagram, where she uploaded the clip that shows her husband acing the handstand while Shilpa sits next to him and is reading the newspaper. Moments, later their dog comes in helping social media users understand the cheat code.
It turns out the video as been taken in an inverted manner, so the couple is lying on floor to create an illusion of the accomplished handstand!
"Ulta dekhoge toh seedha dikhega (See it by turning around you'd then see straight) When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! Just goes to show, nothing in life is impossible if you're open to a different point of view towards everything in life.