Mumbai: As soon as Unlock 1 began after the nationwide lockdown spanning over two-and-a-half months, B-Towners started stepping out of their homes for fresh air. Meanwhile, Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan were papped taking a stroll at Marine Drive with kid Taimur Ali Khan who was unmasked, caught the police eye.
Watch: Saif gets police warning, ambles with Kareena and Taimur unmasked
Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan were stopped by police while strolling at Marine Drive with Taimur Ali Khan who was unmasked. They warned the star couple not to bring the kid at that place.
Saif amble with Kareena, Taimur unmasked, police knocks in
A video of the Khan family is going viral on internet, shows them enjoying a pleasant breeze aside the shore. Meantime, a policeman knocked in to inform that toddlers were not allowed there. "Chote baccho ko bahar nahi lana hai. (Toddlers are not allowed to go outside)," police was heard addressing the star couple. Check out the video...
Not just Bollywood stars, several TV actors have also started venturing out as Mumbai witnesses a phased opening up during the Unlock 1.