Mumbai: Neena Gupta has shared a special birthday post for Priyanka Chopra who turned a year wiser on Saturday. She called PeeCee an inspiration and narrated an incident about the same.
The Panga actor took to Instagram to post a video in which she spoke about the time when she got an offer to audition in Los Angeles and how a video of PeeCee motivated her to take the leap and push the limits to become an achiever in life.
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The Badhai Ho actor wrote, "I recalled watching one of Priyanka Chopra’s videos where she was talking about having to attend two different functions in India and abroad around the same time. She attended both the functions after changing five flights, sleeping during the flight and prepping for the function on the flight. I remembered that and said, 'Yes, I can also do it'."
She added, "Although I didn’t get the film, but Priyanka inspires me a lot. So wish you a very happy birthday Priyanka."
On the work front, Neena will be next seen in Masaba Masaba on Netflix, trying her hands on the sitar in the first look.