New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi at a BJP Parliamentary Party meeting on Tuesday expressed his support for the recently released film 'The Kashmir Files' against attempts, he claimed were being made to discredit it. Bringing out the truth in the right manner, said the PM is always in favour of the nation.
Kashmir Files, directed by filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri revolves around the exodus of Kashmiri Pandits in the year 1990. The prime minister during the meeting stated that there are numerous topics such as the 1975 Emergency or the Partition on which no authentic films were made, adding that more films like the Kashmir Files need to be made so that people can know the truth.
He said that Kashmir Files was being discredited rather than being critiqued on its art or facts. "People who always raise the flag of freedom of expression are restless. Instead of reviewing on facts, the campaign is being been run to discredit it..." the prime minister said.
Addressing BJP's parliamentary party meeting ahead of the beginning of the day's proceedings in Parliament, PM Modi stated that there are a lot of topics like the 1975 emergency or the partition on which no authentic films have been made. He went on to say that the film has shown the truth which was suppressed for years. "Those who tried to hide the truth are opposing the film now," he said.
READ |The Kashmir Files: Director says Bollywood's silence doesn't matter, planning series