Mumbai: Filmmaker Farah Khan on Tuesday thanked those who donated and supported the COVID-19 charity drive by her daughter Anya. The drive gathered more than Rs 2.5 lakhs using 100 sketches created by the young one.
The 55-year-old director put out a video on Instagram featuring the sketches made by Anya and thanked the generous contributors noting that her daughter is ready for the second round of orders.
She wrote, "Over a 100 sketches done n a little more than 2 n a half lakhs collected n donated!! Thnk you to all the generous contributors [?]Anya is ready for round 2 of orders.. #sketchapet #sketchforcharity .. video shot by #divakunder."
Scores of celebrity followers were quick to notice the post and appreciate the drive.
Kartik Aaryan wrote, "So cool."