Hyderabad (Telangana): Bollywood actors Vicky Kaushal and Katrina Kaif's wedding festivities are happening at the 700-year-old Six Senses hotel fort Barwara situated in Sawai Madhopur district. The couple has tried all things possible to keep their wedding away from the media glare. While guests were requested to not share pictures and videos of the VicKat wedding functions, filmmaker Karan Johar and choreographer-director Farah Khan have shared a video from the wedding venue.
On Wednesday, Farah Khan took to her Instagram handle to share a video from her room at Six Senses hotel. The choreographer and her close friend KJo were in a mood to celebrate 20th release anniversary of later's blockbuster film Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham.
Sharing the video, Farah wrote, "Epic reel for 20 yrs of an epic film! #20yearsofk3g .. @karanjohar so good to know we still as mad as ever.. maybe more♥️." Following the guidelines for guests, Farah did not reveal anything except a little glimpse of her room.