New Delhi: Hrithik Roshan and Tiger Shroff starrer War continued its winning streak in its second week and successfully crossed the Rs 250 mark at the box office. The flick has become the 2019's second-highest grosser.
Now, aiming at 300 crores, the film's total collection stood at Rs 257.75 crore including the Telugu and Tamil releases on Saturday. However, the Hindi version recorded Rs 246 crore.
The Friday collections stood at Rs 7.10 crore while Saturday witnessed a surge raking in over Rs 11 crore.
On its Day 11, the action-thriller crossed the lifetime business of Vicky Kaushal starrer, 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' which hit big screens in January this year; and became this year's second-highest grosser, film critic Taran Adarsh shared on Twitter.
War, on its opening day, minted Rs 51.60 crores followed by Rs. 23.10 crores on second.