Mumbai: Vivek Oberoi has got police protection after receiving threats of life. The star had tweeted a collage on Monday uploading three pictures presenting him, Salman Khan, Abhisekh Bachchan, his wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and their daughter Aradhya.
The post mentioned the relationship of Salman and Aishwarya as 'Opinion Poll', Vivek and Aishwarya's affair as 'Exit Poll' and her present family scenario as 'Final result'.
The actor's post caused a stir in social media circles. Mumbai Mahila Congress president Ajantaa R Yadav mentioned in a letter to police has demanded to lodge a complaint. She wrote: “This is to bring to your attention that actor Vivek Oberoi has insulted women modesty by his statement. Being an artist, his political interferences needs limitations. Now, he has disrespected womanhood for which he should be punished. Mumbai Mahila Congress workers demand an FIR under Section 509 of IPC.”