Mumbai: Actor Vivek Oberoi on Tuesday treated his fans with a piece of good news. He declared that the upcoming whodunit thriller Iti, which will go on floors later this year, will be backed by him.
The film titled Iti: Can You Solve Your Own Murder? is written and directed by Vishal Mishra, who is known for films like Coffee With D and Marudhar Express.
"I instantly liked the high-concept idea that Vishal presented and I decided to back the project immediately. I'm sure it's going to be an exciting journey," said Vivek.
Hopping on to Instagram, Vivek wrote: "Excited to announce our 1st film- #Iti. Produced by @mandiraa_ent & my home production Oberoi Mega Ent. A high concept thriller directed by the talented @visalmisra. To go on floors by Oct'20. Heartfelt thank you to each one of you for all your love & support. #GirishJohar @itithefilm #PrernaVArora #CanYouSolveYourOwnMurder."
The story revolves around a woman who is racing against time to solve her own murder.
"I always believe in exploring new concepts. With this film, I hope to bring something new in my favourite genre, whodunit thriller," said Mishra.
The film is expected to go on floors from September to October 2020.