Mumbai: Actor Vijay Varma, who rose to fame with Gully Boy last year, claims his multilayered character in his upcoming film Baaghi 3 will leave the audience surprised.
Opening up on his character in the film starring Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor, Varma said: "My character is shown as the one who helps Tiger Shroff to reunite with his brother. He's a very interesting character, with various layers that would leave the audience surprised."
"I am thrilled to be a part of this popular franchise and working with such talented people. With Baaghi 3, I have tried my hands at something new, and fans have never really seen me doing such a role. I'm quite confident about my part because it is really crucial in the film," added the actor.
Varma further revealed that he had to undergo workshops in order to perfect his body language for the role.