Hyderabad: Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda has raised over Rs 40 lakh through his Middle Class Fund and said that he has "reset" the goal of his charity as generous donations are coming in from fans. While he had earlier planned to help 2,000 families, Vijay now hopes to help over 4,000 families.
The Arjun Reddy star took to Twitter, where he shared a spreadsheet showing the amount of donation that has come in and how many households have so far been helped.
Alongside the spreadsheet, the actor also penned an emotional thank you note.
"Today what I saw was magical. Mass care, Mass love and Mass generosity. Each one of you this miss class fund and its success belongs to you. I promise I will not let you down, we will reach out to each and everyone who reaches out to us and we shall all enjoy the happy smiles that shine back at us," Vijay wrote.
"In a day you made 25 lakhs into 40+ lakhs. Together we have now reset our goal of 2,000+ families to 4,000+ families. Today our team was 4, tomorrow we make it 34, so we can reach more people faster," he added.
"Below is an update of day 1 broad numbers. Everyday 9 PM we will share with you a sautés update, so we can witness impact of what we all are together doing. #TDF #MCF. Note- Households funded today was effected by our training session and 11 AM-12 Noon closure of stores. We will see a jump in families reached from tomorrow on," the Mahanti actor continued further.
Vijay also shared a tweet from a person who donated Rs 1 lakh to The Deverakonda Foundation.