Mumbai: Bollywood star Vidya Balan is trending on Twitter as netizens are mercilessly trolling her for her views on the media trials of actor Rhea Chakraborty in connection with Sushant Singh Rajput's demise. Vidya on Tuesday stated that her 'heart breaks at the vilification of Rhea.'
Balan on Tuesday stated that it was unfortunate how the tragic death of Sushant had become a media circus. She also criticised the media trials of Rhea. The Paa actor's contention came in response to Telugu actor Lakshmi Manchu's tweet seeking justice for both Sushant and Rhea.
Vidya in her statement has said that it is unfortunate that the tragic and untimely death of Sushant has become a media circus. In the same breath, she said that being a woman it pains her to see Rhea going through media trials. "Isn't it supposed to be ‘innocent until proven guilty', or is it now ‘guilty until proven innocent'!?, Vidya asked.
A user wrote, “It's ironic that @vidya_balan had nothing to say on the mysterious death of SSR but her heart breaks at the vilification of Rhea Chakraborty.” Another user wrote, “Interesting to see the feminist card you’re pulling here! Curious as to whr you were the past 2.5 months that ths incident has been dragged on for. It’s ridiculous tht you’d come out in support of someone who’s character assassinating someone she claims she loved and his fam.”
Another user labelled Balan's point of view as 'hypocritic' and wrote, "2min of silence those who are taking valuable time to reply for @vidya_balan hypocrite statement.They are only pitching in when drug angle came out. They are just rattled. Elsewhere were they when Rhea insulted sushant sisters and father. Guys ignore them #ReportForSSR
Ever since the demise of Dil Bechara star, there is an uproar on social media about the malpractices that prevail in the film industry. Netizens are also calling out celebrities who are now speaking for Sushant but remained tight-lipped before Supreme Court clarified that CBI shall be the sole authority to investigate the case.
"Shame on you Vidya Balan. Supporting criminals is big crime. We people fighting from 80 days are fool. Once see this what is the connection between drug dealer with rhea brother. #SushantCaseBreakThrough," wrote another user on Twitter.